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Project PHoENIX

Project PHoENIX (Participatory, Human-centered, Equitable, Neurodiverse, and Inclusive XR) foregrounds the voices of the autistic community in advanced technology research and development efforts, with a focus on a critically under-researched group of individuals with ASD—those who are transitioning from secondary education into adult life—in a specific context—support programs for adults with ASD.

Autistic participants needed!

Goals and Missions

What is Project PHoENIX?

The goal of PHoENIX project is to (1) iteratively co-design and co-develop an XR environment that is sensitive to stakeholder needs and preferences and (2) develop novel methods and processes for engaging in co-design and collaborative research with stakeholders within a multi-user, online XR environment. One in 44 children is diagnosed with autism, a condition characterized by social communication challenges and restricted, repetitive behaviors. Autism can severely influence independent functioning, exacerbate employment problems, and lead to social isolation. XR technologies can support autistic people with these challenges. Among XR technologies, virtual reality (VR) has received significant attention.

Why use virtual environments with autistic people?

Research consistently shows that autistic users find virtual environments to be engaging and useful. Below, we provide direct quotes from autistic users about how virtual environments can help them.

This is a screenshot of Dante's avatar with a quote "In subjects like history you would be able to experience the places that might be talked about in order for children to relate more".
This is a screenshot of Sarah's avatar and a quote from her.
This is a screenshot of Max's avatar and a quote from him.

A Visual Tour of Project PHoENIX

Video Gallery

Our autistic users have told us that they benefit from being able to preview virtual spaces and activities before they use them. In response, we have developed videos that provide an overview of the spaces, activities, and experiences that users will encounter in Project PHoENIX.

Overview of Training

Overview of Session 1

Overview of Session 2

Screenshot Gallery

Take a tour of Project PHoENIX in our screenshot gallery.

Uniquely Designed for Autistic Users

"GIF it UP!"

Some autistic people experience challenges with verbal communication. In our "GIF it UP!" activity, autistic participants use GIFs to convey their thoughts and feelings about their experiences in our virtual gallery spaces.

"CHAT it UP"

As part of our research and development, we seek to amplify the voices of autistic participants throughout our designed spaces. In our "CHAT it UP!" activity, participants' chat messages are permanently attached to the walls of the space, thereby integrating autistic voice as a central design element.

Meet the Development Team

Led and guided by Dr. S, Project PHoENIX is developed and implemented by a talented and diverse team at the at UF.

Autistic participants needed!

Our Research

Project PHoENIX is in early-stage development. We present on the project at academic conferences and are actively developing research papers.

Journal articles

Schmidt, M., Lee, M., Huang, R., Lu, J., Francois, M., Cheng, L., Weng, Y. (under-development). Participatory design of a Virtual Reality Research Space for Autistic Adults.

Schmidt, M., Lu, J., Huang, R., Lee, M., Francois, M., Wang, X., Levin, E., Garcia, P. (under-development). Against the Grain: Participatory, Inclusive Learning Design to Confront Colonial Perspectives on the Use of Virtual Reality with Autistic People.

Conference presentations

Schmidt, M., Lee, M., Huang, R., Lu, J., Francois, M., Cheng, L., Weng, Y. (Accepted). Messy but Meaningful: Participatory Learning Experience Design of a Virtual Reality Research Space for Autistic Adults. Presenting at the 2022 International Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Las Vegas, NV.

Schmidt, M., Lu, J., Huang, R., Lee, M., Francois, M., Cheng, L., Weng, Y. (Accepted). Project PHoENIX: Towards a Methodological Framework for Participatory, Human-centered, Equitable, Neurodiverse, Inclusive, Extended Reality. Presenting at the 2022 International Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Las Vegas, NV.